Legal information

Ces conditions générales sont rédigées en anglais. Si vous ne comprenez pas l'anglais, veuillez contacter MyMove (via avant d'accepter l'application afin d'obtenir une traduction ou une explication en français. En acceptant ces conditions générales, vous déclarez comprendre la langue anglaise et le contenu de ces conditions générales.

Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn geschreven in het Engels. Indien u geen Engels verstaat, gelieve MyMove te contacteren (via alvorens de toepassing te aanvaarden om een vertaling of uitleg in het Nederlands te bekomen. Door deze algemene voorwaarden te aanvaarden, verklaart u dat u de Engelse taal en de inhoud van deze algemene voorwaarden begrijpt.

Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen sind in englischer Sprache verfasst. Wenn Sie kein Englisch verstehen, nehmen Sie bitte vor der Annahme der Anwendung Kontakt mit MyMove auf (über, um eine Übersetzung oder Erklärung in deutscher Sprache zu erhalten. Durch die Annahme dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen erklären Sie, dass Sie die englische Sprache und den Inhalt dieser Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen verstehen.


1.  Introduction and scope

These Terms and Conditions constitute the agreement between any user of MyMove services and MyMove SRL/BV, a private limited company having its office rue du Belvédère/Belvederestraat 29, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, registered in the register of legal entities of Brussels under enterprise number 0776.513.011 (hereinafter referred to as "MyMove"). 

They can be accessed at any time on the Website as well as on the menu of the Application. These Terms and Conditions are applicable from 25 april 2023 onwards and replace all previous terms and conditions. 

MyMove has developed a mobile application, called MyMove (the “Application”), to enable users (“Users”) to reserve, book and lock/unlock vehicles of a fleet made available by an operator (“Operator”) or by their employer (“Employer”), the usage of which vehicles shall be paid by any concerned User through their own payment method or thanks to their Employer, via the Application.

These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Users, in addition to the vehicles rental terms and conditions or any general or special conditions applicable to any kind of product or service offered directly or indirectly through MyMove, per e-mail or per telephone as the case may be, including products and services offered by third parties and shall overrule any other terms and conditions that do not originate from MyMove in case of discrepancies. However, by accepting the application of the Terms and Conditions, the User expressly accepts the application of the terms and conditions of the service provider offering its services and/or products through MyMove to that User.

‍2.  Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions, the terms used with capital letters shall have the following meaning:

Account” means the personal user account, containing Personal Data, created by the User upon registration on the Application or created by MyMove for a User on the basis of an agreement between the User’s Employer and MyMove;

Application” means the mobile application called MyMove, managed by MyMove, which enables Users to use the Services provided by MyMove subject to these Terms and Conditions and the vehicles rental services offered by their Employer or an Operator pursuant to the vehicles rental terms and conditions of said Employer or Operator;

Employer” means an employer that possesses a fleet of vehicles and wishes to make them available for use by its employees (being Users) through the Application;

Intellectual Property Rights” means all existing and future, registered or unregistered, intellectual, industrial, commercial and all other property and similar rights, in Belgium and elsewhere in the world, including, without being limited to, copyrights (including but not limited to copyrights in computer programs and databases) and all other possible rights in the fields of literature, arts and science; patent rights, rights to know-how or trade secrets, and all other rights on intellectual creations in the field of technology; design rights; trademarks, rights to statutory and commercial denominations, domain names and all other possible rights to signs used in business to distinguish one good or service from another in trade;

Operator” means a cars’ dealer, garage owner, rental cars company or any other company that possesses a fleet of vehicles and wishes to make them available for use by the Users through the Application;

“Organisation” refers to the closed group of Users who are registered and entitled to use the fleet put available for sharing by an Operator or by an Employer. Users must be part of an Organisation to be able to use the vehicles of the fleet made available by a specific Operator or Employer. Users can be part of multiple Organisations;

Personal Data” means all personal information provided by a User to, or collected by, MyMove during the User’s use of the Services, the Application and/or the Website as set out in MyMove’s Privacy Policy;

Privacy Policy” is MyMove’s current Privacy Policy, which is available on;

Service(s)” means the services provided by MyMove to enable Users to digitally benefit from the services provided by an Operator or an Employer as to reserve, book, use and lock/unlock vehicles of a fleet, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, it being understood that the Services only imply restricted user rights and shall in no event be considered as implying a transfer of ownership to a User;

Terms and Conditions” means the present terms and conditions forming the agreement between the User and MyMove for the use of the Service(s);

User” is a person who uses the Website or the Application and the Services provided thereon subject to these Terms and Conditions, it being understood that Users have been given access to the Application on the basis of a registration process made available to them or of an agreement between their Employer and MyMove;  

Website” means

‍3.  Subscription by a User

a. The Application and the Services thereon shall be made available to Users upon fulfilment of a registration form and subscription to the Application. The registration form, made available to the User through the Application, must contain all data necessary to enable MyMove to create a User account such as the name, phone number, email address of the User, a valid proof of their identity or the details of their payment method. Should a User wish to drive a car of a fleet, a valid driving license is also necessary. The registration form is specific to one Organisation only, meaning that a User wishing to register to several Organisations must fill in several forms. 

b. The User acknowledges that their Account is strictly personal and cannot be used by any third party. The User expressly acknowledges and agrees it is strictly forbidden for Users to give, lend, sell or otherwise transfer their Account to third parties, even another User of the same Organisation. The User must keep their Account details secure and must not share them with anyone else. The User shall immediately warn MyMove in case a third party uses their Account following the stealing of their phone, a hacking or any other problem.  

c. The User acknowledges and agrees that MyMove shall at all times retain the right to request a User to provide additional information and to upload additional documents for identification and verification purposes (for example a copy of a renewed driving license) and to determine, in its sole discretion, whether or not to approve a User, whether initially or on an ongoing basis during their use of the Application.  

‍4.  Use of Services

a. Access to and use of content and services. A User may use the Application and/or the Website to browse, locate, reserve and pay for transportation and vehicles of a fleet of an Organisation they are part of directly on the Application. Each User accepts that the mobility services offered on the Application, especially through third parties, may vary and/or be updated. The User expressly acknowledges that MyMove is in no way whatsoever responsible for such mobility services, their variations and/or updates. All mobility services may not be available at all times or in all locations. To use the Application and/or the Website, a User will need a device that meets the system and compatibility requirements for the relevant content, working Internet access and compatible software.

b. Third-Party Fees. Each User is responsible for any access or data fees incurred from third parties (such as their Internet provider or mobile carrier) in connection with their use of the Services and for any fees whatsoever related to the rental services offered to them by any Employer or Operator.

c. Updates. The Application and the Website may need to be updated, for example, for bug fixes, enhanced functions, missing plug-ins and new versions. Such updates may be necessary in order to use the Application and/or the Website. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions and using the Application and/or the Website, a User agrees to receive such updates automatically.

d. Proof. Unless otherwise proven by writing, the data registered on the Application and/or the Website form the proof of any service used by the User through the Application and/or the Website.

e. SMS. A User might receive a SMS message to be able to use the Application. Standard rates will apply.

f. Operators’ terms and conditions or Employer’s terms and conditions. Each Operator or Employer shall have its specific terms and conditions applicable to the rental services of any vehicle of the fleet of said Operator/Employer. The User expressly accepts the application of said terms and conditions, available on the Application, on the Operator/Employer website or internal organisation or made directly available to the Users upon registration to the Operator/Employer’s Organisation.

g. Fines or other costs. The User is responsible for all penalties, fines or other costs in relation to its use of the Services or the non-respect of these Terms and Conditions. In case of fines or other costs, the User will be charged for the total amount of the fines or other costs as well as an administrative charge of thirty (30) euros.

‍5.  User’s responsibilities

The User undertakes:

  • not to use the Services, Website and/or the Application (including their Account) for illegal purposes or purposes that may damage the rights (including Intellectual Property Rights) or interests of MyMove, any Operator, Employer or any third parties, and in particular not to use the Website and/or the Application to distribute trade secrets, viruses, damaging or illegal information, or information that is distasteful, discriminatory or offensive towards any person;
  • not to disrupt access to the Website and/or the Application, or to access MyMove’s computer systems, or modify, or use them to transmit computer viruses, hacking attacks, computer worms, etc., or commit misdemeanours likely to be qualified as computer crimes;
  • not to use any automatic system or software to extract data from the Application and/or from the Website for commercial purposes (“screen scraping”) as screen scraping of the Application and of the Website is forbidden;
  • comply with these Terms and Conditions, the applicable terms and conditions of any third-party offering services that such User uses (including the ones of the Employer and/or Operator of the Organisations they are part of) and all applicable laws and regulations.

Each User warrants that they have full authority and legal capacity to agree to these Terms and Conditions and that they have not been previously suspended or blocked from the Website and/or the Application.

Should the User fail to comply with their obligations, MyMove reserves the right to prohibit and immediately block access to the Services, the Website and/or the Application (including their Account), to prohibit such access without repayment of any reservation made or any open balance and to take out proceedings for the payment of compensation or any damages whatsoever.

‍6.  Personal Data 

MyMove considers the protection of Personal Data and privacy of the User extremely important. MyMove wishes to inform the User and give the User control about what happens with their Personal Data. The Personal Data of the User are protected by MyMove in accordance with MyMove’s Privacy Policy, which is available on as well as on the menu of the Application and on the Website, and in accordance with applicable Belgian and European legislation on privacy and data protection. MyMove’s Privacy Policy describes how MyMove collects, uses, communicates, discloses (including to the Operator/Employer) and protects your Personal Data, both acting as a data controller and a data processor, depending on the concerned data processing activities. Not only the User’s rights are described therein, but also how the User can exercise them.

7.  Prices

All prices mentioned on the Application are in euros and include VAT and all relevant taxes, rights or other indirect contributions, which would be due in application of the relevant legislation, except if otherwise provided.  

The prices for the rental services of any vehicle of any Organisation’s fleet are defined directly by the Operator or the Employer, meaning that MyMove does not choose the prices of the mobility services accessible on the Application. Those prices may vary depending on their use or on the purchase moment and only the Operators and Employers or other service providers are responsible therefor.  

‍8.  Liability

This Article will survive termination of the agreement between MyMove and any User.

a. MyMove Liability: MyMove shall only be liable to the User for damages or losses directly resulting from MyMove’s breach of these Terms and Conditions. MyMove’s total liability shall in no event exceed two thousand five hundred (2,500) EUR and MyMove shall in no event be liable for any damages or losses incurred or sustained by or imposed upon MyMove based on, arising out, with respect to or by reason of the User’s criminal, wilful or grossly negligent action or omission in the use of the Services or in connection with these Terms and Conditions.

MyMove shall in no event be liable to the User for any indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages, loss, corruption or damages, loss of profits or loss of business for any matter related to these Terms and Conditions, the Website, the Application or any Services provided by MyMove, even if MyMove was advised of the possibility of such damages or if such possibility was reasonable foreseeable, nor for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions due to force majeure or any other cause beyond its reasonable control, including any change of circumstances.

Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or restrict the liability of MyMove for:

•  death or bodily injury caused by its negligence or its wilful misconduct; or

•  fraud.  

Any exclusion or limitation set forth herein in favour of MyMove shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

b. User Liability: the User acknowledges to be liable for any damages, losses and costs arising out its non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions. 

The User expressly undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless MyMove and the Operator/Employer for any and all damages, losses and costs arising out of: (i) a criminal or immoral act committed by the User or any other non-compliance with the applicable laws during or through such User’s use of the Services; (ii) any damage to a vehicle that happened during their rental period; (iii) the User’s non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, or their negligence, gross negligence and wilful misconduct.

The User undertakes to cooperate with any investigation or assessment regarding damages, losses or costs arising out these Terms and Conditions and any incident relating to its performance.  

‍9. Disclaimer of warranties

MyMove does not guarantee, represent, or warrant that the use of the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free, and Users agree that from time to time MyMove may limit the access to the Services for indefinite periods of time, or cancel the Services at any time, without prior notice to the Users. The User expressly agrees that their use of, or inability to use, the Services is at their sole risk. The Services and all products and services delivered to the User through the Website or the Application are (except as expressly stated otherwise by MyMove) provided “as is” and “as available”, without warranties of any kind for as far as possible in application of Belgian law, either express or implied, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

‍10.  Links to third-party websites or services and application of their terms and conditions

The Website and/or the Application contain links to third-party websites or services that are not owned or controlled by MyMove. MyMove has no control over, assumes no responsibility for it, does not warranty the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party websites or services. The User further acknowledges and agrees that MyMove shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such websites or services, including any use of the rental services provided by any Operator or Employer.

‍11.  Intellectual Property Rights

a. All Intellectual Property Rights related to the Website, the Application (in object code and source code form), the underlying models and algorithms of the Application and of the Website, MyMove brand and logo, including any rights, title and interest therein, shall at all times remain the sole and exclusive property of MyMove and if applicable, its licensors, and the User shall obtain no rights, title or interest (including without limitation Intellectual Property Rights) therein pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, except for the limited User rights expressly granted hereunder. In the event, notwithstanding any prohibition thereto, the User modifies or creates derivative works thereof, MyMove shall own all rights, title and interest, including any Intellectual Property Rights, in and to such modifications and derivatives and the User hereby assigns any such rights, title and interest, including any Intellectual Property Rights, in such modifications and derivatives to MyMove at no cost to the latter.

b. The User agrees: (1) not to remove any intellectual property notices in the Application and on the Website; (2) not to sell, transfer, rent, lease, grant access or sub-license the Application and the Website to any third party; (3) not to alter or modify the Application and the Website; (4) not to reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile or attempt to derive source code from the Application and the Website; (5) not to prepare derivative works from the Application and the Website and (6) not to use or register the brand “MyMove”.

c. MyMove cannot be held responsible for any abusive or fraudulent use of its name, its logo, its brand or addresses.

‍12.  Termination

Users may terminate their use of the Services at any time upon a notice period of fifteen (15) days, eventually subject to the conditions provided for within the internal policy of their Employer.

MyMove may terminate the provision of the Services at all times, without notice period and any Operator/Employer may terminate the rendering available of its fleet through the Application upon a notice period agreed upon between MyMove and said Operator/Employer.

MyMove shall at all times be entitled, at its discretion, immediately or temporarily, to deactivate, terminate or suspend an Account if one of the following events occur, or if MyMove has reasonable reasons to believe such event occurred: the User commits a criminal or immoral act or any violation of the applicable laws during or through such User’s use of the Services or, in general, the User does not comply with these Terms and Conditions, irrespective whether by negligence, gross negligence, wilful misconduct or otherwise. In case of deactivation, termination or suspension of their Account, the User shall no longer be entitled to use the Application and the Services (for the duration of such deactivation or suspension, as the case may be).

‍13.  General provisions and jurisdiction

a. The User accepts that MyMove shall have the right to notify the User per pop-up of any changes to these Terms and Conditions. The User cannot continue using the Application, the Website and Services following the effective date of a change without prior acceptance of such change.  

b. If any provision in these Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable or contrary to applicable law, such provision shall be automatically limited or altered in order to render it valid or enforceable to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, and all other provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall remain in effect.

c. The mere fact that MyMove does not invoke, at any given time, one provision of these Terms and Conditions cannot be interpreted as a waiver to use and invoke that provision.

d. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with Belgian law and any dispute relating thereto must be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Brussels.

‍14. Questions

If you have any further questions about these Terms and Conditions or their implementation or if you need support with the use of the Application, please contact us by email at For questions or complaints directly related to the services performed by third party service providers, please contact directly the customer service of the concerned service provider as detailed in their terms and conditions.

Date of latest revision: 24/04/2023

MyMove SRL/BV is committed to protect your privacy and takes its responsibilities regarding the security of customer personal data very seriously. For more detailed information about privacy legislation, please do not hesitate to read the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) (the “GDPR”).

Your personal data are processed by:

MyMove SRL/BV (hereafter: “MyMove”)

Rue du Belvédère/Belvederestraat 29

1050 Ixelles/Elsene

Enterprise number: 0776.513.011 (RLE Brussels)

To contact us:

To have access to our policies: (the “Website”), on the MyMove platform (the “Ops Dashboard”), or on the MyMove mobile application (the “App”)

As used in this privacy policy (the “Policy”), the terms "using" and "processing" of personal data include subjecting the personal information to statistical or other analysis and using or handling personal information in any way, including, but not limited to collecting, storing, evaluating, modifying, deleting, using, combining, disclosing and transferring as detailed in this Privacy.

MyMove ("we" or "us") provides this Policy to inform you of our procedures regarding the collection, processing, use and disclosure of personal data of any person who uses the App, the Ops Dashboard and the services provided thereon or the Website (the “Users” or “you”). Personal data shall have the meaning as ascribed to in applicable Belgian and European law (the “Personal Data”). 

MyMove can act as a data controller or as a data processor, as detailed below.

  1. MyMove acting as a data controller 

  1. What Personal Data do we collect and process?

MyMove collects and processes two types of data: (i) data you provide to us and (ii) data relating to the User’s use of the Ops Dashboard and/or the App. 

i. Information you provide to us:

When you decide to book a demo, to receive free advice and information, to send us an email or to communicate with our customer service, you are voluntarily providing us with certain Personal Data that we collect and process. Such Personal Data may include but is not limited to your name, gender, email address, telephone number or various details concerning the company you are working for and your role within said company. Should you give us details about another person, you hereby confirm that you fully respect the GDPR doing so and that you received every necessary authorization therefor.

When you answer to a survey or give us feedback on the use of the App and/or the Ops Dashboard, we may ask you for certain Personal Data to follow up on your comments.

ii. Information we learn about you from your use of the Ops Dashboard and/or the App:

We may process your IP address and certain non-personal information or aggregated data about how and when you use the Ops Dashboard and/or the App. This information is usually of a technical nature (device settings and information, including but not limited to the App version, operating system, keyboard language, IP address, location, etc.) and of a behavioural nature (the actions taken by you on the Ops Dashboard and/or the App, including but not limited to access times, pages requested, actions executed, etc.) and is used to compile statistical data about the use of our Ops Dashboard and/or App.

  1. Why do we collect and process your Personal Data?

When acting as a data controller, MyMove only processes Personal Data for the following purposes:

i. Compliance with legal obligations (art. 6, §1, c) of the GDPR):


We may process your Personal Data in order to comply with the law, to complete all legally obligated paperwork in each country/region in which either the User or MyMove is active or in case of illegal use, when we receive orders from legal authorities (e.g. anti-money laundering obligations). 


ii. Legitimate interests (art. 6, §1, f) of the GDPR):

We may process your Personal Data for the following purposes:


a. Improve user experience:

Tracking your use of the App and/or the Ops Dashboard will allow us to personalize our services to your needs. It will allow you to correctly use the App and/or the Ops Dashboard. This will also allow us to learn more about User preferences and general trends on the App and/or the Ops Dashboard to improve the quality of the App and/or the Ops Dashboard.


b. Provide customer service:

We may collect additional Personal Data to provide customer service, for example to send you communications about the App and/or the Ops Dashboard (e.g. upcoming changes or improvements), to respond to your questions, to treat your requests or to troubleshoot any problems.

c. Perform marketing actions:

We may process your Personal Data to contact you with newsletters, tailored suggestions and information exclusively about MyMove, such as events, platform updates or information about our App or Ops Dashboard or our other similar products and services. We will not contact you regarding the promotion of third parties’ products or services and we will not provide your data to third parties for marketing purposes unless you give us your consent to do so.


You can always choose to opt-out at any time of marketing promotions from MyMove and/or email correspondence from MyMove if you do not want your Personal Data to be used anymore for any of the aforementioned marketing purposes. If you do not want to receive commercial communications from us anymore, you can choose to unsubscribe from such commercial communications at any time by sending us an email at


d.   Generate statistics and perform statistical analysis:

We may generate statistics about the (use and Users of the) App and the Ops Dashboard in order to improve the App and the Ops Dashboard and to perform statistical analysis.

e.   Share information with third parties:

Some of your Personal Data could be disclosed to other companies of our companies’ group to improve our companies’ group services and could be shared with other mobility services providers to allow the App and/or the Ops Dashboard to function properly and to have all necessary mobility data that could be included on the App and/or the Ops Dashboard.

  1. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

We do not process your Personal Data any longer than is necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy. 

In principle, when acting as a data controller, MyMove keeps the processed Personal Data relating to a specific request for a period of three (3) years after said request (e.g., contact with the customer service for a specific question). 

Should MyMove process your personal data for marketing actions, we will continue doing so, as detailed in this Policy, until you opt-out. Your Personal Data shall then be deleted or anonymised once you opt-out. 

  1. MyMove acting as a data processor 

  1. What Personal Data do we collect and process?

MyMove has created and manages a mobility management platform that provides companies with sustainable and flexible mobility features to enable companies to create and manage a fleet of shared vehicles and to rent these vehicles to the public. 

As such, MyMove works closely with employers or with operators such as car dealers having a fleet of vehicles at their disposal and acts as their data processor (the employer or operator concerned being the data controller). All information in relation to the processing activities of your Personal Data must be disclosed to you in the data controller privacy policy. This section of MyMove privacy policy is merely a summary thereof and does not replace the data controller privacy policy.

In this context, MyMove processes two types of data: (i) information you or your employer provide to us, and (ii) information relating to the User’s use of the Ops Dashboard and/or the App. 

i. Information you or your employer provide to us:

a. Account:

When you sign up on our Ops Dashboard or on our App and create an account, book a vehicle, send us an email or communicate with our customer service, you are providing us with certain Personal Data that we process as instructed by the data controller we work for. 

Such Personal Data may include but is not limited to your name, date of birth, gender, postal address, email address, telephone number, company name, device OS, mobile app version used or credit card data. Should you give us details about another person, you hereby confirm that you fully respect the GDPR doing so and that you received every necessary authorization therefor.

We may also be requested to process additional information by some data controllers.

Additionally, your account may contain other necessary information as detailed in the law of 17 March 2019 regarding the introduction of a mobility budget and the executive royal decrees. Said information might be provided directly by you or by your employer in the strict respect of the legislation in place concerning mobility budgets.

b. Biometric data – 3D liveness check:

When you sign up on our Ops Dashboard or on our App and create an account, we require the performance of two steps to verify your identity: you will be requested to take a picture of an official identity document (ID card or driver license) and to take several selfie pictures / video of yourself for what is called a ‘3D liveness check’. An automated processing system is then used to match the identity document and the selfie pictures as to ensure they belong to one and the same person. If said automated processing fail, a check shall be performed by a natural person (you can also always contact us directly as detailed in this Policy).

In case of any doubt about the identity of the person using a certain account, a new 3D liveness check might also be requested to the person using a certain account before they are able to use some services (e.g. driving a vehicle) to ensure it is indeed the person that registered the account.

c. Judicial data:

Before you can use some vehicles of a shared fleet, MyMove may collect some judicial data (e.g. “has your driver license already been revoked in the past?”) for insurance purposes as may be required by the data controller’s insurer and the law. This data and information are connected to the user’s driver license.

d. Location and usage data of vehicles: 

To provide the digital mobility services offered by MyMove to the data controllers, we process location data, such as your location during a trip, your departure and destination points, your start and end times, date of travel and duration of use.

In addition, all necessary data that your data controller is legally required to collect and process for the management of a mobility budget are duly collected and processed (Act of 17 March 2019 concerning the introduction of a mobility budget and its implementing Royal Decrees).

When you decide to use the App on any mobile device, you can use the geolocation options or not. However, some services require you to enable this option so that we can locate you or the used vehicle. You can otherwise disable the location-based option on your mobile device at any time.

e. Bookings and purchases details: 

We process Personal Data relating to your bookings and purchases to create a booking history and enable the management of the remaining amount on your mobility budget, if applicable. 

f. Correspondence:

We provide a customer service to help you use our Ops Dashboard, our App or to answer any question you might have. When you contact our customer service or anyone of the MyMove staff, we may keep a record of that correspondence and collect the necessary information to classify your question, respond to it, provide any information requested by your data controller and, if applicable, investigate any breach of this Policy or of any contractual obligations you might have towards the data controller in relation to the use of its shared fleet of vehicles.  

ii. Information we learn about you from your use of the Ops Dashboard and/or the App:

We may be requested by your data controller to process your IP address, and certain non-personal information or aggregated data about how and when you use the Ops Dashboard and/or the App. This information is usually of a technical nature (device settings and information, including but not limited to the device OS, the App version used, operating system, keyboard language, screen resolution, IP address, location, etc.) and of a behavioural nature (the actions taken by you on the Ops Dashboard and/or the App, including but not limited to access times, pages requested, actions executed, etc.) and is generally used to compile statistical data about the use of the services by all data subjects to whom a data controller gave access.

  1. Why do we collect and process your Personal Data?

When acting as a data processor, MyMove only processes Personal Data for the purposes specified by the data controller it works for (e.g., your employer or the operator having a fleet of vehicles at their disposal). You will therefore find all the information you need on said data controller privacy policy or on any other relevant documentation shared by them. If you do not find it, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do our possible to help you. 

Generally, we are instructed to process Personal Data for the following purposes:

  1. to enable you to benefit from a mobility budget offered by your employer; 

  1. to enable your employer to obtain all necessary data and documents it needs to reimburse your expenses and respect the law of 17 March 2019 regarding the introduction of a mobility budget and its executive royal decrees;

  1. to offer you a summary of past expenses and travels;

  1. to follow up on any incident happening with a vehicle of the shared fleet;

  1. to enable the data controller to obtain all details on the services provided (e.g., duration of a booking) and hence to enable the data controller to invoice you accordingly.

In other terms, we are processing your Personal Data as part of the execution of the contract existing between you and the data controller (art. 6, §1, b) of the GDPR) or to comply with legal obligations (art. 6, §1, c) of the GDPR).

  1. How long do we keep your Personal Data?

We do not process your Personal Data any longer than is necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy. 

As MyMove processes your Personal Data on instructions of a data controller, the deletion or anonymization of your Personal Data will take place at the moment requested by said data controller unless any legal provision obliges us to keep your Personal Data for a longer period of time.

  1. Various (applicable whether MyMove is acting as a data controller or as a data processor)

  1. Security of your Personal Data

To prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of your Personal Data, MyMove has implemented a variety of appropriate technical and organizational security measures conform with or exceeding industry standard technologies, in order to safeguard the confidentiality of your Personal Data and ensure your online safety. However, MyMove cannot guarantee that unauthorized access will never occur.

MyMove uses its best efforts to protect the confidentiality and security of your Personal Data.

In case of violation of your Personal Data, MyMove undertakes to notify the Data Protection Authority and/or the responsible data controller without delay and, if possible, not later than 72 hours after becoming aware of such violation.

MyMove shall in no event be liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from a wrong or illegal handling by third parties.

You may not disclose to or share with any third parties your account. If your device has been stolen or if your account risks being hacked (for example because you changed phone number or you lost your device), please immediately inform us by sending us an email at

  1. Your rights

Exercise of your rights is free of charge and can be done at any time as authorized by law. In principle, you may review, update, modify or delete your Personal Data at any time. Please promptly update your Personal Data if it changes. If you wish to delete your account or, more generally, exercise your right to be forgotten, you can send us an email at and we will process your request, with the help of the data controller we are working for in case we are only acting as data processor (in that case, MyMove will help you reach out to the concerned data controller).

 If and to the extent provided under applicable Belgian and European law, you shall have the right:

  1. to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your Personal Data is being processed and, where that is the case, you shall have the right to access such Personal Data being processed;
  2. to obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete Personal Data;
  3. to obtain the erasure of Personal Data;
  4. to obtain the restriction of processing of your Personal Data;
  5. to receive your Personal Data in a structured and commonly used, machine-readable format and have such Personal Data transmitted;
  6. to object to processing of your Personal Data and to object at any time and without any justification to the processing of your Personal Data and/or to the transmission of your Personal Data to third parties.

In many cases you can improve or modify your Personal Data yourself in your personal settings.

These rights can be exercised by sending an email to our DPO via or by sending a letter to MyMove SRL/BV, DPO, rue du Bélvèdère/Belvederestraat 29, 1050 Elsene/Ixelles, Belgium. You can also send this request through the responsible data controller MyMove is working for if you know its identity (if it is not the case, MyMove can help you on this matter).

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the authorized supervisory authority (the Data Protection authority) should you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes applicable law by sending an email to or any other email address provided by the authorized supervisory authority (  

  1. Modifications to this Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time and we might be requested to do so by a data controller we are working for. Any changes to the Policy will be published on the Website, Ops Dashboard and on the App. In case of significant changes to the Policy that results in MyMove using your Personal Data in a manner materially different from that stated at the time of the collection, we will provide you with a specific notice on the Ops Dashboard or on the App and/or send you an email notification.

  1. Legislation and competent courts

This Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the Belgian legislation that is exclusively applicable to any potential dispute. Any dispute arising under, or in connection with, this Policy shall be settled exclusively by the competent courts of Brussels, Belgium.

  1. Questions

If you have any further questions about this Policy or its implementation, please contact us via